Fielding Law, Truck Accident Lawyers

Given the fact that these vehicles are immensely large and heavy compared to other vehicles found on the road. Accidents caused by these types of vehicles tend to be serious and depend on many factors.

If any individual becomes part of this unfortunate case, they must have legal representation, as trucking companies tend to evade all possible liability. At Fielding Law, their attorneys believe that anyone who is a victim of these accidents, due to the negligence of the trucking company or the trucker, deserves compensation to cover the immense expenses that these accidents entail, one way to contact them is to enter this link : 

Common causes of this type of accident

When a road accident is caused by a truck, this may have happened for a variety of reasons. In some cases, it may be that the driver is the culprit, a brake failure, as well as a tire, or engine failure, which can become one of the causes of the accident. Some of the most common causes are: 

  • Driver error: When a driver ignores traffic rules, other vehicles on the road tend to be in danger. When drivers are unable to pay attention to the road, driving under the influence of substances or alcohol, speeding, these and many other factors can contribute to an accident. If this were to be the reason for the accident, the results tend to be devastating.
  • Brake Failure: This type of truck braking system differs from other types of vehicles. Air brakes are specially designed to stop these large, heavy trucks. When this essential equipment fails while driving, accidents are horrible, they tend to roll over or collide with parked cars.
  • Bad tires: Long tire tread stripes on the side of the road are clear evidence that a large truck has lost one of its tires. There are a variety of ways in which an accident can occur from tire debris on the road, for example, if a truck tries to get to the side of the road, it can lose control of the vehicle. If any part of the tire comes loose, it can cause an accident with another vehicle, and if it is still on the road, it can become a threat to other vehicles that share the road.

The cause of the accident is going to be a determining factor in how the truck accident claim process is going to do. Having a lawyer will help to seek adequate compensation for the victim and / or family members, to recover all the damages that occurred in the accident.

Average settlement for truck accidents

Like all motor vehicle accident cases, each one differs from the other, being particularly unique. The idea that there is an average settlement amount for these accidents is practically non-existent. The final settlement expected to be reached for the truck accident claim will depend on several factors, which will include the extent of the injuries, the financial losses, and the fault of the negligent or reckless individual.

On the other hand, there is a possibility that the opposing party, together with the insurance company and its team of lawyers, intend to present a minimum settlement figure, which does not manage to cover all the expenses caused by the accident. Having an attorney helps facilitate the negotiation of an appropriate amount that meets all the needs of the individual who suffered the injuries.